All mistakes are mine...
Given an AR(1) process
We can estimate the following autoregressive coefficients.
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: np.set_printoptions(threshold=25)
In [3]: np.random.seed(1)
In [4]: # make 1000 autoregressive series of length 100
In [5]: # y_0 = 0 by assumption
In [6]: samples = np.zeros((100,1000))
In [7]: for i in range(1,100):
...: error = np.random.randn(1,1000)
...: samples[i] = .9 * samples[i-1] + .01 * error
In [8]: from scipy import sparse
In [9]: from scipy.sparse import linalg as spla
In [10]: # make block diagonal sparse matrix of y_t-1
In [11]: # recommended to build as a linked list
In [12]: spX = sparse.lil_matrix((99*1000,1000))
In [13]: for i in range(1000):
....: spX[i*99:(i+1)*99,i] = samples[:-1,i][:,None]
In [14]: spX = spX.tocsr() # convert it to csr for performance
In [15]: # do the least squares
In [16]: retval = spla.isolve.lsqr(spX, samples[1:,:].ravel('F'), calc_var=True)
In [17]: retval[0]
array([ 0.88347438, 0.8474124 , 0.85282674, ..., 0.91019165,
0.89698465, 0.76895806])
In [2]: np.set_printoptions(threshold=25)
In [3]: np.random.seed(1)
In [4]: # make 1000 autoregressive series of length 100
In [5]: # y_0 = 0 by assumption
In [6]: samples = np.zeros((100,1000))
In [7]: for i in range(1,100):
...: error = np.random.randn(1,1000)
...: samples[i] = .9 * samples[i-1] + .01 * error
In [8]: from scipy import sparse
In [9]: from scipy.sparse import linalg as spla
In [10]: # make block diagonal sparse matrix of y_t-1
In [11]: # recommended to build as a linked list
In [12]: spX = sparse.lil_matrix((99*1000,1000))
In [13]: for i in range(1000):
....: spX[i*99:(i+1)*99,i] = samples[:-1,i][:,None]
In [14]: spX = spX.tocsr() # convert it to csr for performance
In [15]: # do the least squares
In [16]: retval = spla.isolve.lsqr(spX, samples[1:,:].ravel('F'), calc_var=True)
In [17]: retval[0]
array([ 0.88347438, 0.8474124 , 0.85282674, ..., 0.91019165,
0.89698465, 0.76895806])
I'm curious if there's any downside to using sparse least squares whenever the RHS of a least squares can be written in block diagonal form.